Channel: Latest Activity on FBI/CIA ARE TERRORISTS
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geral sosbee posted a discussion

geral sosbee posted a discussion


fbi Death Squadhttps://www.academia.edu/resource/work/96902386Fbi Death Squad Activity From the time I quit the fbi in 1978 to present, I have been added to the fbi Death Squad which means that my death by ‘natural causes’ is ordered. I have previously outlined various methods which the fbi used to kill me. Some of the methods include notices to me online to end my life, pump toxic fumes into my residences, orchestrate by chemical combination a synthetically produced kidney stone in vivo, attempt to smother me after surgery for a service connected injury, and generally hound me with fbi operatives almost everywhere. Additionally, the fbi sends police hoodlums, some of whom seem to be retired, to my home to walk near my living room window brandishing a firearm. Other thugs actually commit assaults & battery in my face, or otherwise verbally challenge me to a shooting match. For decades the fbi also uses DEW (Directed Energy Weaponry) to attack me with microwave and ELF (Extremely Low Frequency Soundwaves) to cause sleep deprivation (SD). REM sleep is denied me 24/7/365. The SD is extreme and I feel I might die from a heart attack or a stroke. Often my wife suffers from collateral damage caused by fbi assaults. Some of the posts that I and others produce are as follows:Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI | The EveryDay Concerned Citizenhttps://everydayconcerned.net/2018/04/01/ramola-d-reports-report-56-geral-sosbee-fbi-whistleblower-reports-massive-crime-by-fbi/- https://www.academia.edu/41897213/Evidence_of_fbi_Atrocities_Unveiled_author_of_https_www_  -Death Squad activity is at times taxing, both psychologically and physically, but somehow I maintain my equilibrium and pursue my goal which is to leave a record of the terrible events forced on me and my wife by fbi assassins. The federal magistrate judge who authorizes fbi to engage in unending felonies against me is largely responsible for fbi efforts to kill me. The judiciary of the USA is in shambles as I previously documented. I am disappointed that SCOTUS denied my petition for their help. https://sosbeevfbi.com/sosbeewrit.html Fbi Hisory Book https://sosbeevfbi.com/historybook.html https://sosbeevfbi.com/letters.html-My main website is at https://sosbeevfbi.com/index.html My Academia site is at https://ttu.academia.edu/GeralSosbee https://www.academia.edu/70074615/THE_ISSUE_History_of_Secret_Terror_in_USA Other sites include newciv.org and fbi are terrorists at http://sosbeevfbi.ning.com/ http://sosbeevfbi.ning.com/forum I am grateful to Academia.edu for allowing me to post my papers of their esteemed forum.See More

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