geral sosbee posted a blog post
fbi unlawfully engages US PI and Texas DPS, Police, et al as criminal operatives
On April 30, 2013 *two cops came to my home at the direction of the fbi for the purpose of harassment, threats and intimidation. One of the men was Inspector Knipfing of the U.S. Postal Inspection (PI) service; the other was Rodriguez of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). *[Trey Knipfing, Postal Inspector; Conrad Rodriguez, Texas DPS] I later reported the unlawful invasion online at whereupon a fbi operative (aka Duval) replies in his foul language that no one cares.I also asked for a copy of the reports filed by the two thugs, Knipfing and Rodriguez. The Texas DPS replied that no record exists. The U.S. Postal Inspector repeatedly and unlawfully refused to honor my Freedom of Information Act request, stating that the investigation is ongoing for about two years. To this day the counsel for the PI ignores my letters to his office wherein I provide evidence of crimes and coverups by the PI and the fbi for decades and evidence of the violation of FOIA by his office.For my affidavit on crimes committed by the fbi see: real reason for the unlawful refusal to release the report by Knipfing is that the report reflects a conspiracy by the fbi,PI, DPS to find a way to charge me with any type of offense. reason for the refusal of the PI to release the report is to cover up multiple postal crimes by the PI and his employees such as Knipfing. For evidence of postal crimes committed by the fbi over a prolonged period of time and the simultaneous cover up of such crimes by the PI see these three links: Evidence shows that the director of the fbi ( FBI Director James Comey ) asked the Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCrawto send Rodriguez to join with the PI Knipfing in efforts to fraudulently entrap me in some kind of offense, or at least to find a way to prevent me from disclosing crimes by all of these agencies.[Note that Prior to his service as Homeland Security Director, McCraw was the assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Inspection Division, overseeing evaluation of FBI operations, strategic planning and execution and internal investigations. ] See my expanded report on how the fbi converts cops at every level (and citizens) into criminals.fbi unlawfully engages US PI and Texas DPS, Police, et al as criminal operativesMcCraw and Knipfing are clearly acting as fbi operatives and are also involved in the many criminal offenses (including ongoing conspiracy) that I have documented against them: specifically, fraudulent investigation of me for a crime that they know was committed by the fbi; cover up of postal and other crimes committed against me by the fbi for decades; refusal to investigate the many crimes against me and my property committed by the fbi, police, state police, fbi paid operatives, street thugs acting as operatives and members of the community at large; for more crimes covered up see my affidavit 2007 above; their refusal to investigate torture and multiple attempts on my life ; refusal to investigate various crimes committed against me by the University of Texas Police as I have shown atAssault and battery by UT police/fbi operative Yanez: BOLO issued by UT Police Wilson and Bleier: During the entire charade of these two cops pretending to investigate me, they are in reality the ones who are in fact knowingly engaged in fraudulent investigation, etc., and coverup of serious felonies as set forth above.Finally, the fbi’s cjis sends me a reminder that the alleged crimes which Knipfing and Rodriguez are investigating are now documented at cjis and that my name is officially connected to such alleged crimes. The crimes are actually committed by the fbi in their desperate efforts to silence me. The purpose of the fbi and the cjis in sending me their messages is to strike fear. See how such illegal operations and criminal assaults by all the cops listed above are a part of an organized and sophisticated plan that is designed to provoke an unacceptable response from me so that at long last the assassins of fbi may silence me from reporting their crimes. See the following link for the specifics of such a plan which I refer to as the fbi’s illegal cjs: More