Channel: Latest Activity on FBI/CIA ARE TERRORISTS
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geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee posted a blog post


Request for disclosuure under the Texas Public Information Act, Open Records Act; Brownsville Texas Public Library, Texas AG File number not known.Geral Sosbeeto public.inforequest@cob.us, publicrecords@texasattorneygeneral.gov, mayormartinez, +6I often refer to myself below in the third person, GERAL SOSBEE , and in the first person, I.This is an official request for disclosure of information under the Texas Public Information Act (ORA) for information described *below in the possession, care, custody, control, or reach of the officials and employees of the Brownsville, Texas public library located at Brownsville Texas Public library2600 Central BlvdBrownsville, TXThis request is a continuation of my previous request (known to the Texas AG) and also extends to every record at both locations of the library, including the South Most branch.The information that I request is as follows:1)Any record wherever located relating to the blocking of my attorney website listed ashttp://www.sosbeevfbi.com/2)and any other information of any kind or nature (written or verbal) about or in reference to me, GERAL W. SOSBEE.The above website is recognized by the Texas State Bar as my official attorney website and is used by Geral Sosbee to reach the general public in matters relating to law suits against the fbi for crimes committed by the fbi as established by former fbi counterintelligence agent GERAL SOSBEE. Some of the crimes are listed at http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/affidavit2007.htmlThe Texas State Bar page which contains a link to the official attorney website of GERAL SOSBEE ishttp://www.texasbar.com/am/template.cfm?section=Find_a_Lawyer&Template=/Customsource/MemberDirectory/MemberDirectoryDetail.cfm&contactid=187722The law provides that I have a right to the following type of information:*Public information refers to information collected, assembled, produced or maintained in the course of transacting public business. It may be on paper or film or in electronic communications such as emails, Internet postings, text messages or instant messages.The instant request for disclosure also includes previously requested information under the ORA wherein the public library officials falsely denied any record on Geral Sosbee, patron number 41129002961967. The Texas AG has a record of that request which may have been used by library officials as a reason to engage in a discreet vendetta against Geral Sosbee. To this day I am harassed in the public library by individuals who may be in receipt of false and prejudicial information against me. For more information in this regard see these two links:http://austin.indymedia.org/article/2015/05/02/announcementhttps://www.academia.edu/12103536/Explication_Of_Salient_Events_fbi_As_Criminal_SovereigntySpecific individuals in the library who have almost certainly been in receipt of false and fraudulent information from the fbi or their associates, directly or indirectly, include Jerry Hedgecock (H) , Juan Guerra (G), James McCoy. I have personally confirmed with H and G that the library's own employees witnessed verbal and non verbal assaults on me when I try to use the library; also H and G refuse to ask the offending library patron to leave me alone. I filed police reports on theses incidents. Recently, I also reported to the library security guard that I am again being harassed in the library by persons who seek to cause a disturbance in the area of the computer room where I am working. The officer is named Velador and he kindly advises me to never respond in any manner to the intentional provocations directed at me.With respect to the blocking of my site at the South Most branch, one Luis Herrera advises me that he fixed the problem and that the fbi had nothing to do with the blocking. My conversation with Mr. Herrera is witnessed by his assistant, Alfredo. Another library employee who may have pertinent data (verbal or written) is one Suzie Kim.I seek to know from Mr. Herrera exactly the basis or cause of the repeated blocking of my website which he concedes happened. I am entitled to the information because it is part of an "electronic communication."Each and every library employee who uses the fraudulent reports of the fbi in efforts to insult me or to discourage me from use of the library should be aware that the fbi and associates who come into the facility to slander me are in actuality torturers and assassins as I have documented over the past fifteen years in court filings and on my websites.This request is made in good faith and is not intended to cause any unnecessary inconvenience to any person. A copy is forwarded to city officials because they are previously on notice by me of the unethical conduct towards me by the library officials.Thank youSignedGERAL SOSBEEP.O. Box 1548Brownsville, Texas 78522(956) 509-1454See More

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee posted a blog post

Unforgiveable crimes by fbi psychopaths

The fbi's extreme and apparently extended for life intentional infliction of mental & physical trauma on this Target of the fbi's inhumane and felonious covert operations (as I have documented for 25 years) are assaults (on and will never be forgotten by) all mankind. The evil doers whom I describe compound their sins associated with the unconscionable attacks by enjoying and profiting from the suffering that they impose; such subhuman and heartless psychopathology in their hearts are the hallmarks of the twisted and sick fbi and are noted by all who endure USA ' s abhorrent murders, imprisonment, and torture operations globally.http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/fbiciade-mystifi.htmlSee More

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee posted a blog post

USA, a nation unworthy to defend

Understand if one may that most Americans who utter the words below (excerpts from the pledge of allegiance and the star spangled banner), including members of congress, courts, military and civilians are liars, hypocrites, cowards, traitors and sometimes sociopathic killers who in truth often attack many of us who actually provide meaning to such words by our real service on foreign battlefields; then upon our return home we discover that a police state grips the nation and is forged in our absence and ironically through our service to this country which is now an overthrown regime run by torturers and murderers of the intelligence & police communities:"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.O say can you see by the dawn's early light,What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming...."For these reasons I write that God has nothing to do with the USA and the word 'dawn' is actually a horrid and foreboding *twilight that brings a darkness over this diabolic nation.USA is a disgraceful nation, unworthy to defend, and whose people torture, threaten and often kill our very own combat veterans:http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/geralsosbeearmyf.html*http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/texasbar.htmlSee More

geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee posted a blog post

My High School Years: Learning, Involvement, Friendship, Excitement

My High School Years, my L I F E(Learning, Involvement, Friendship, Excitement).My photo is # 4 from top, left to right.http://www.e-yearbook.com/yearbooks/Woodrow_Wilson_High_School_Crusader_Yearbook/1963/Page_226.htmlSOSBEE, GEARL WAYNE. August 30, 1945, Carlsbad, New Mexico. Social Studies, English, Mathematics. Staff Sergeant, 2 Orange Ribbons, 18 Service Ribbons, 2 White Ribbons, 2 Honor Wreaths, Little Theater, Projectionists Club, Junior Achievers, Advertising Manager, Cursus Honorum, Science Club, Band, Orchestra, Musicals, Solo Contest, First Division Winner.Woodrow Wilson High School - Crusader Yearbook (Dallas, TX) online yearbook collection, 1963 Edition, Page 226My adventures continue 53 years later (to date) and with the same enduring themes:Learning,Involvement,Friendship,Excitement.See More

geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee posted a blog post

Crimes Are Committed By Government

Many crimes in the USA are actually provoked, caused, or committed by *fbi,cia,police,uspi,, dps,nsa,prosecutors,etc , and are encouraged & covered up by **US CONGRESS and SCOTUS. See the following links if one be interested :Fraudulent investigation:http://la.indymedia.org/news/2014/10/266415_comment.phpPapers on topic:https://ttu.academia.edu/geralsosbee*Good men hounded and provoked by mad men :http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/dilemmafacingciv.htmlIn honor of all so - called outlaws who are currently tortured, imprisoned, murdered by cops/fbi:http://www.barbarahartwellvscia.blogspot.com/2015/05/memorial-day-enemy-of-state.html?m=1USA is a criminal regime supported by lunatics in the public sector and commits crimes which are often insanely viewed as virtuous:http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v194/__show_article/_a000194-000475.htm**Congress & SCOTUS:http://sosbeevfbi.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=2179778%3ABlogPost%3A7542http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/denialwrit.htmlSee More

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee posted a blog post

World Be Advised

The devastating effects of the illegal and traitorous activities of fbi/cia Cointel chiefs such as Ted Gunderson (Gun), Al Smith, James Brien Comey, et al, are profoundly embedded in the national psyche and are inherently and imperceptibly destructive of American rights and values .So that today many Americans in their blind trust in and support for so-called leaders have become 1) insensitive to atrocities and 2) participants in or *accessories to the many felonies committed in their name.Wars, assassinations, torture all are ongoing today here as well as "over there". (See my affidavits 2007 and 2014 for specifics) .Gun and his defenders hide the truth from the public because an enlightened people cannot tolerate a murderous, inhumane government which will stop at nothing to achieve its **outrageous objectives. A righteous domestic uprising will certainly be met with mass murders and incarceration by USA gens d'armes and Cointel operatives.Thus the people are metaphorically hog tied by the homicidal psychopaths who dictate national policy and who by guile and trickery have the confidence of the general population.From:*USA crimes against humanity:http://www.indymedia.org.nz/articles/3697"See my reports that indict the government of the United States of America and all who support or serve as accessories to USA's crimes against humanity."from:**fbi/Gestapo:http://www.indymedia.org.nz/articles/3691"The stakes were high then in Nazi Germany and today are even higher: the total subjugation of mankind, the manipulation of the destiny of the human species, the permanent control of and power over earth and space, and the permanent removal of any competing agenda or political/religious/original dogma."See More

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee posted a blog post

Government Alienation Program, An Interpretation

When government attacks a person with the  intent to *publicly destroy & alienate him, and when such unscrupulous machinations succeed, the real loss is found not only in the suffering of the victim ( by loss of friends & kin) ,  but also in the collective conscience of the culture that fosters such unkind deeds. For they lose good will and the unique human capacity to feel."Alienation is the process whereby people become foreign to the world they are living in."(marxists.org/glossary/terms)In the material world where position and financial status are most valued, the loss of associations may in some instances be a death sentence; and this fact coupled with government efforts to torture and force a final exit on the victim ( i. e.,Target) are tantamount to premeditated murder. See my suggestion on how the people of a nation could deal with the abominations of wholesale abandonment  of human decency that evolves into crime disguised as public policy  such as we see committed regularly by fbi/cia. As for the victim, he and she must discover that alienation is the door to liberty and to a new universe of self discovery.http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2008/11/382350.shtml?discuss*http://fbiciaterrorists.blogspot.com/2011/04/fbicia-turn-civil-society-into-sesspool.html?m=1See More

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee, teacher

My work as suggested online is to remove the fbi from our society by confronting them and their criminal agents,operatives, informants and supporters with the truth of their insanity; at the same time I attempt to teach the public the subject of police/fbi murderous corruption.See my site at http:// www.sosbeevfbi.com and other data on line to verify these comments.1)"Geral Sosbee | Federal Bureau of Investigation | ZoomInfo.comwww.zoominfo.com/p/Geral-SosbeeAttorney (Inactive), Teacher at Federal Bureau of… ·Washington Dc, District of ColumbiaMobile-friendly · View Geral Sosbee's business profile as Attorney (Inactive), Teacher at Federal Bureau of Investigation and see work history, …"2)http://www.sosbeevfbi.com/f.b.i.certified.html3)Fbi corruption of cjs, etc.:http://rochester.indymedia.org/node/146927Lowest common denominator ruleshttp://www.indymedia.org.nz/articles/37014)https://www.academia.edu/9458784/Evidence_of_a_new_unheralded_illegal_quasi_Criminal_Justice_System_CJS_forged_by_fbiSee More

geral sosbee posted blog posts

geral sosbee posted a blog post

geral sosbee posted a blog post

fbi, cia threaten the world and all of mankind

The fbi,cia,dod commit crimes against humanity everyday, globally and lie to the people all the time. Domestic murders, torture, false imprisonment, forced suicide while the suffering is being monitored , psychological warfare, etc., exemplify the inhumanity and the barbarity of the USA which is controlled by fbi,cia 's own terrorists. My reports represent a microcosm of the unconscionable assaults on our brothers and sisters globally. One must open eyes and listen with heart to the cries of mankind under unprecedented & heinous attack by USA.This post us not a pleading, for no man begs another to be nice and allow one to live.Thank you kindly and good night. Bedtime reading:A witch hunt society led by the witch (fbi):http://rochester.indymedia.org/node/146927USA ruled by the lowest common denominator:http://sosbeevfbi.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-lowest-common-denominator-rules-the-usa?xg_source=activityPolice and fbi deadly MO nationally:http://www.indymedia.org.nz/articles/3715See More
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